Newsletter – The Basics of User Experience Design

How important is the User Experience to Your Business?
A survey by the Interaction Design Foundation shows the importance of putting your customers at the heart of your business decisions. User experience should offer three main functions.
Firstly, that the customer journey when using a product or service gives satisfaction from start to finish. Secondly, that the user has positive feelings when they use the product or service and it does what the customer needs it to do. Finally, companies have to ensure they are offering users a great experience in all areas of business or service. It is clear that businesses need to start their product or service design journey with the customer’s needs in mind from the beginning.
UX design aims to look at the interaction between computers and human customers under such headings as interaction design (feedback and how your customers move around your website), design thinking (how do you solve problems your customers may have) and the usability of your product or service.
Design thinking is solution based to take a fresh look at established assumptions and issues, making sure to consider these from your customer’s viewpoint. It is not simply enough to create a design and hope your customers like it; you must understand what they need, what they are using your product or service for and what they hope to achieve by doing so.
To create the best user experience you need to ensure your product or service should be of use, easy to use, easy to source and purchase, reputable, desirable and that adds value for your user so your customers return time and time again or are happy to share their positive experience of dealing with your business.
Here at Noble and Eaton, we can help to improve your user experience to increase customer satisfaction. Call us to find out more.