A noble + Eaton Research Report

'The State of Learning spaces'

Are school learning environments really meeting the needs of today's students?

how do leaders feel about their learning spaces?

What are they looking to change? ​

These were just some of the questions we set out to ask in The State of Learning Spaces – a piece of research that combined:


An online survey of 200+ senior leaders across state and independent schools


In-depth conversations with leading education thinkers


Our experience of working with 800+ schools over nearly 50 years

What we found

Our results reveal that many leaders don’t feel existing spaces are up to scratch, with even basic functions – like ventilation and storage – needing improvement. What’s more, school leaders believe their current learning spaces are holding students back. The good news is that many are already taking action, with recent and planned refurbishments in the works


Below is a snapshot of some of the key findings: 


of leaders use negative words to describe their classrooms


of leaders believe their current learning spaces are preventing students from reaching their full potential


of leaders believe improving learning improvements should be a high priorty for their school

This research is incredibly valuable, and comes at a crucial time for school leaders as we challenge ourselves to make our education the best it can be​

Richard Nicholson , Foundation Principal at Warwick Schools Foundation​

Download the full report to find out more about the current landscape, the differences between state and independent schools, and which aspects of learning spaces leaders want to prioritise.

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